Private Dinners

It's like a customized restaurant in the comfort of your own home, for 2-20 guests.

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“Carrie provides an amazing dining experience unlike anything I have ever had! I was lucky enough to have an in home dinner by her. She planned the menu, sourced the ingredients, pre prepped and then cooked at our home. She beautifully plated and presented us with each course along with a delightful description of what we were about to enjoy. It was hands down better than any restaurant! The quality was premium, her attention to detail was meticulous. The food was gorgeous and insanely delicious! Carrie is so passionate about her cooking, it was such a fun dinner - I highly recommend her!!”
- Jenn

“I had the absolute pleasure of dining “out” with a small group of friends, while dining in. We knew it would be good, but Carrie still blew expectations out of the water with her uber delicious, customized vegan tasting menu. She conscientiously sources her ingredients, as well as grows them herself. Highly recommend treating yourself to an in-home chef experience!”
- Michelle